How to Sleep Well in India

How are you? I'm in India and I'm doing ok, but last night I did the unthinkable. It's hot and humid, and I chose to sleep with the AC off.

I know, gasp, right?

Here's why. This week we started learning about Ayurveda from Chennai-based Ayurveda Dr. Vijaya Seshadri. She's a petite woman who radiates good health, from her gorgeous skin and hair to her beautiful posture and grace. She wraps the loose end of her sari snugly around her shoulders like a shawl. She's so elegant, I can't even begin to guess her age. She's ageless.

Anyway, Dr. Seshadri has been teaching us about swasthasya swasthya rakshanam - what we need to do to maintain health and prevent disease. And the basic message is pretty straightforward. According to Ayurveda, we need to have the right eating habits, the right sleeping habits, and good moral conduct.

Dr. Seshadri explained that, as healthy adults, we should get six hours of UNDISTURBED sleep (yes, just 6!) . She explained that sleep is undisturbed if it is not interrupted by dreams (!) or needing to get up to pee (!), AND we should wake up feeling fresh (!). Well, I have lots of vivid and sometimes crazy dreams, and I usually do need to get up to pee at least once (TMI, sorry!), plus, my Indian AC has been disturbing my sleep.

A little context... In the US, and perhaps especially in Texas, we have central AC, and it pretty much runs year-round to keep our homes at a comfortable temperature, and it's really very quiet. In most places in India, they use something like what we in the US call a window unit, but it's mounted in or on the wall, so they only cool the rooms that need to be cool.

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In my apartment bedroom here, the AC is a little bit old. It cools very well, perhaps too well, and it's pretty loud. I've been waking up multiple times per night because it's too noisy or I'm too cold, and in the mornings I wake up feeling exhausted and cranky, not exactly the "fresh" feeling Dr. Seshadri says is an indicator of good health.

So I decided to follow her advice and figure out how to improve my quality of sleep while I'm here. My plan was to run the AC in the evening to cool the room, then shut it off at bedtime and sleep with just the ceiling fan on.

I did it, and I can't believe it worked! The AC noise didn't disturb me, the fan cooledthe room enough, and I slept through the night (well, I might have had one dream). I woke up feeling WAY better than I did the morning before. I'm going to keep this up!

What about your sleep? Are you sleeping soundly for at least 6 hours? What could you do to reduce your sleep disturbances and improve the quality of your shut-eye time?

In other news, I'm having a great time here, despite the heat, humidity, and long days in the classroom. I'm learning so much. In the past week and a half we've completed our classes on Course Planning, we're learning to chant the 4th (and final) chapter of Yoga Sūtras, I'm learning more than I ever imagined possible about breathing, and we're learning from two classical Indian texts. And Ayurveda, of course. Next week we resume philosophy and begin Meditation and a class about how to observe our yoga students. Can't wait!

Yoga Teacher Training is a journey SO well worth taking (even if you feel called to travel to the other side of the earth for it!). We learn so much about yoga, but also so much about ourselves. It's an opportunity for incredible personal growth and it changes the way we view the world, our relationships, and even ourselves.

I've got three and a half weeks left of learning over here and I'm so looking forward to bringing all this knowledge and wisdom from the Krishnamacharya tradition back home to Round Rock.

If you're interested in embarking upon yoga teacher training of your own, we'd love to have you join our 2019 program at The Yoga Room. Classes start in January and we're accepting applications now. If you have any questions at all, I'd love to hear from you. Please shoot me a note at

All the best!

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P.S. We're still inside the window for Early Registration pricing for 2019 Yoga Teacher Training. If you're thinking about registering, it's a good idea to apply sooner rather than later!


Imagine if your knees were so achy and painful that you couldn’t bend them enough to lower yourself to the floor. You could probably do most of your yoga class seated on a chair, but what about the lying postures?

So much benefit can be gained by lying postures, including relaxing the back muscles, releasing tension in the shoulders and neck, abdominal strengthening, full body stretching with twists, and of course, relaxation. But if you can’t get down onto the floor, the benefits of lying postures are unfortunately beyond your reach.

And what if you’re usually able to practice all types of postures, but you’ve recently had a foot surgery or even just an elbow injury? Does that mean you should skip yoga practice yoga until you’re fully recovered? No, you should continue your practice and modify for your injury so that you can optimize your wellness and speed your healing.

And what about people who use wheelchairs? They may have trouble standing or transferring to a lying posture, and they too might like to enjoy the full benefits of yoga.

This is why, at long last, we have designed and built a yoga platform to accommodate anyone who may have trouble moving to a lying position. Our new platform helps us extend our philosophy of Yoga for EveryBody to more kinds of bodies!

If you’d like to use the platform in your next Class, Workshop, Series, or Individual Instruction session, just call a day ahead so we can make sure to set up the platform in the correct room for you.

If you use a wheelchair, you might like to view the video above. It demonstrates one method of transferring from a wheelchair, onto the platform, to a lying position.

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When the platform is not in use, it can either be used as a platform for the teacher to sit upon, or it can be flipped onto its side and stored near a wall to free up floor space.

We're really excited about extending our philosophy of Yoga for EveryBody! Please share the news of our platform with friends who may be interested in yoga, but are concerned that they may not be capable of all the postures.

As always, we’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions or comments about the platform, please post in the comments below, or reach us at

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